Certificate of Insurance

Any company and/or subcontractor working for or providing services to MPS Group is required to submit a current Certificate of Insurance to MPS Group Purchasing Department prior to commencement of service. Certificates of Insurance can be mailed or faxed to the address below:
MPS Group
Attn: Purchasing Department
38755 Hills Tech Drive
Farmington Hills, MI 48331
E-mail: info@mpsgrp.com
T: (313) 841-7588
F: (313) 843-1471
Insurance Requirements
Evidence of required insurance shall be submitted prior to the time of the contract execution or the rendering of services. Such evidence shall include the MPS Group project name. The coverage and amounts below are minimum requirements and do not establish limits to the user’s liability. Other coverage and higher limits may be provided at the user’s option and expense. All of the following coverage (if applicable) is required from all Subcontractors of any tier and material suppliers. It is the user’s responsibility to monitor compliance.
1. Worker’s Compensation, Employers Liability:
(Not less than)
Each Accident – $1,000,000
Disease (Policy Limit) – $1,000,000
Disease (Each employee) – $1,000,000
2. Commercial General Liability:
Policy on an “OCCURRENCE” basis with coverage to include explosion, collapse, and underground hazards, non hazards and hazards, Blanket, Contractual, Products, Independent Contractors, Completed Operations, Personal Injury, and Employees as Additional Insured.
The requirements include:
- $1,000,000 General Aggregate Premises-Operations
- Product/ Completed
- Operation (One year after completion)
- Blanket Contractual Liability
- Broad Form Property Damage
- Personal Injury
- Independent Subcontractors
- Include Waiver of Subrogation
- Policy must contain cross-liability endorsement
3. Automobile Liability:
Including owned, non-owned, and hired vehicles.
$1,000,000 Combined Single Limit (Non-Hazardous Material)
$5,000,000 Combined Single Limit (Hazardous Material)
- Commercial Truck must have MCS-90 Endorsement
- CA 9948 Endorsement Required for Hazardous & Non-Hazardous Transporters
- Policy must contain cross-liability endorsement
4. Excess Umbrella Liability Coverage:
To provide insurance in excess of Employers’ Commercial General Liability, and Automobile Liability policies required hereunder.
$5,000,000 Each Occurrence (Transporting off-site)
$2,000,000 Each Occurrence (Not transporting off-site)
Required Endorsements:
- Additional Insured in favor of MPS Group
- Waiver of subrogation in favor of MPS Group
5. MPS Group, Inc must be listed as Certificate Holder
MPS Group, Inc
38755 Hills Tech Drive
Farmington Hills, MI 48331
6. Additionally Insured:
MPS Group MPS Group Client(s): Example: XYZ Motor Company
7. Contractor’s Pollution Liability:
$5,000,000 where applicable
8. Pollution Legal Liability:
$5,000,000 (each) / $10,000,000 (Aggregate) where applicable
9. Professional Liability (Error & Omissions):
$5,000,000 (Aggregate) where applicable
10. Commercial Crime Insurance:
$5,000,000 (Aggregate) where applicable
11. All policies shall be written by insurance companies with an A.M. Best rating of A or better and licensed to do business in the state of which the work is being perform.
12. ALL Certificates of Insurance shall contain substantially the following statement:
“Should any of the above describe policies be canceled before the expiration date thereof the issuing company will mail within THIRTY (30) days written notice to MPS Group”
13. Each insurance certificate must contain the following statements as evidence of the required endorsements.
- MPS Group is to be named as an “Additional Insured” on a primary, non-contributing basis on the General Liability, Automobile and Umbrella Policies.
- Waiver of Subrogation in favor of MPS Group applies on all policies.
- General Liability General Aggregate is per project.
Insurance Requirements for Construction Contracts
The Contractor shall purchase and maintain and will cause its Subcontractors to purchase and maintain such insurance as will protect it and MPS Group and MPS Group’s clients, from the claims set forth below which may arise out of or result from the contractor’s operations under the agreement whether such operation be by itself or by any subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose action may cause them to be liable. MPS Group may request proof of the above coverage.
This requirements includes:
- Claims under workers’ compensation, disability benefits and other similar employee benefit acts which are applicable to the worker.
- Claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of its employees under any applicable employer’s liability law.
- Claims for damages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death of any person other than its employees.
- Claims for damage insured by the usual personal injury liability coverage.
- Claims for damages because of injury to or destruction of tangible property, including loss of use there from.
- Claims for damages because of bodily injury or death of any person or property damage arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of any motor vehicle.
- Claims for bodily injury or property damage arising out of completed operations.
- Claims involving contractual liability insurance applicable to the Contractor’s obligations under this contract.
The coverage and amounts are minimum requirements and do not establish limits to the contractor’s liability. Other coverage and higher limits may be provided at the contractor’s option and expense.
1. Statutory Workers’ Compensation, Employers’ Liability:
Employer’s Liability limits not less than $1,000,000 each accident for bodily accidents, $1,000,000 Bodily Injury by disease, each employee and $1,000,000 bodily injury by disease, policy limits. Coverage to include United States, Canada, all territories and other States Coverage (if applicable). The Workers compensation coverage must cover the laws of the state where work is being performed. The policy must have an endorsement that states, the insurance company has waived their rights of recovery against MPS Group
2. Commercial General Liability:
The policy must be on an occurrence basis, with coverage to include explosion, collapse and underground hazards, non Hazardous, Hazardous, Blank Contractual Products, Independent Contractors, Completed Operations, Personal Injury, and Employees as Additional Insured where applicable.
$1,000,000 General Aggregate Waiver of subrogation or its exact equivalent must be included to MPS Group and their Buyer.
1. Buyer:
Supplier and subcontractors agree to indemnify and save harmless Buyer, its present and future officers or directors, employees and agents from and against any and all liabilities, penalties, fines, forfeitures, demands, claims, causes, causes of actions, suits and costs and expenses incidental thereto (including cost of defense, settlement and reasonable attorney fees), which any or all of them may hereafter be responsible for, or pay out as a result of bodily injuries (including death) to any person, damage (including loss of use) to any property (public or private) contamination of or adverse effects on the environment, or any violation or alleged violation of statutes, ordinances, rules or regulations of any governmental entity or agency to the extent directly or indirectly caused by or rising out of the performance of the Agreement / contract (including the breach of any warranties) and work required by related purchase order, by supplier its employees or subcontractors.
The section above shall survive the termination or expiration of the agreement / contract.
2. Completed Operations Note:
Contractor shall maintain coverage for a period of 1 year beyond substantial completion of the project through renewals of occurrence based on Commercial General Liability coverage. MPS Group may request continued evidence of this insurance after project completion; however, any failure to request such evidence does not relieve the Contractor of this obligation.
3. Automobile Liability:
Including owned, non-owned, and hired vehicles.
$1,000,000 Combined Single Limit
Required Endorsements:
- Additional Insured - MPS Group
- Waiver of Transfer of Rights and Recovery, schedule to read MPS Group
- Motor Carrier Safety Act (MCS 90) where applicable
- CA 9948, Pollution Broadened Coverage for Autos, where applicable
4. Excess Umbrella Liability:
To provide insurance in excess of Employers’ Liability, Commercial General Liability, and Automobile Liability policies required hereunder. The terms of the umbrella policy or policies must be at least as broad as the terms of the Employer’s Liability, Commercial General Liability, and Automobile Liability policies required hereunder.
$5,000,000 Transportation off-site
$2,000,000 Not Transportation off-site
Required Endorsements:
- Additional Insured - MPS Group
- Waiver of Transfer of Rights of Recovery, schedule to read MPS Group